How does vitamin E help your skin
A vitamin is an organic substance essential for life that regulates metabolism and assists the processes that release energy from digested food. This vitamin can be obtained from food or supplements.
How does vitamin E help your skin. There are two kinds of vitamins and both are needed by the body. Vitamin E, like vitamins A, D, and K, is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be stored within the body in fatty tissue. Vitamin B complex and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins that cannot be stored and the excess amounts are excreted in the urine. Fat-soluble vitamins – with the exception of vitamin A – are measured in international units (IUs), and studies by the U.S. government’s National Institute on Aging have shown that at least 200 IUs daily of vitamin E are needed to garner any significant benefits from taking this vitamin.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects tissue against free radicals. o Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K. Vitamin E improves circulation, is necessary in the repair of tissue, promotes normal blood clotting and healing, and can reduce scarring, too.
Older adults take it to help reduce blood pressure, relax leg cramps, help prevent cataracts, and, perhaps, to assist in reducing age spots.
Vitamin E also helps prevent anemia, maintains healthy nerves and muscles, and promotes healthy skin and hair.There are also significant quantities of this vitamin in such foods as brown rice, cornmeal, eggs, kelp, milk, and organ meats. Some herb vitamin E sources are alfalfa, bladderwrack, dandelion, flax, nettle, and rose hips.
Vitamin E, like all other vitamins, is not only available from food sources, but also as a supplement. How does vitamin E help your skin. A proper balance of vitamins are needed in the body because they work in synergy, or cooperative action, and high doses of one vitamin can induce a depletion of another. You can take vitamin E safely in a one a day multivitamin, or as single vitamin supplement if you wish to take an amount higher than is included in a multivitamin. Visit a vitamin store and watch for the opportunity to purchase your vitamins at a discount.
To help combat coronary artery disease and poor circulation, take 400 IUs daily.
Vitamin E acts as a blood thinner, too.
Remember that vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, and since it will be stored in the body in fatty tissue, it can reach toxic levels. How does vitamin E help your skin. If you are taking a multivitamin supplement and a separate vitamin E supplement, make sure you are not taking a toxic dose. o Be careful if you take iron as well as vitamin E. These two supplements should be taken at different times of the day because iron in the form of ferrous sulfate will destroy vitamin E. Organic forms of iron such as ferrous gluconate or ferrous fumarate, however, will not harm the vitamin. o If you are taking vitamin E, you must also take a minimum dose of zinc as well, and some supplements will include the necessary amount of zinc in the Vitamin E tablet or capsule.
Fortunately, supplements allow us to obtain whatever amount of vitamin E we need to keep us healthy.
Numerous skin care products that are purported essential in fighting skin aging usually contain Vitamin E in its list of vital ingredients. Contrary to popular belief, Vitamin E is actually a group of vitamins, 8 vitamins to be exact. How does vitamin E help your skin. It helps get rid of harmful free radicals in the body. Harmful free radicals are the results of the oxidation process our fat storage undergo to. These harmful free radicals attack our health cells and bring forth many diseases such as Cancer. It also impairs the functions of the skin which will then lead to a faster aging process.
To prevent cellular damage, this Vitamin E is a good ally. Some use it as a topical solution while others take supplements to help them out in internally fighting harmful free radicals. But we should make sure that we have a solid and impregnable protection against harmful free radicals. Also, harmful free radicals are not the only enemies to skin aging.
Vitamin E protects the nerves, lungs and heart from oxidative damage. Along with these vital tasks, vitamin E still manages to stave off acne lesions.
There are eight different forms of vitamin E. The most active form of vitamin E in the body is the potent antibiotic alpha-tocopherol (a-tocopherol).
The link between pimples and vitamin E
Vitamin E prevents acne via antioxidant protection. Several clinical investigations have elucidated the relationship between vitamin E and acne.
How does vitamin E help your skin. In a addition to this study, a report in Clinical & Experimental Dermatology detected a direct link between blood levels of vitamin E, and acne. In this investigation, researchers compared the blood levels of vitamin E in 100 newly diagnosed, yet untreated acne patients to 100 age-matched, healthy volunteers without acne. Overall, the healthy, acne free group had higher amounts of vitamin E in their circulatory system than the acne sufferer group.
Based on these findings, investigators concluded that low vitamin E blood levels could cause or aggravate an acne outbreak.
Sources of vitamin E
The tolerable upper intake level of vitamin E is 1,500 IU per day for adults. Food sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil and hazelnuts.
How does vitamin E help your skin. The synthetic form is labeled “D, L” while the natural form is labeled “D”. To sum up, clinical research has definitely established vitamin E as an acne preventative.